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> COMPANY NAME: McClure & Trowbridge Publishing - JIP Records
> PHONE NUMBER: (615) 902.0509   CDs 1.800.488.6369
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Prolific writer and recording artist GEORGE McCLURE, writer of "The Ballad of O.J.Simpson" and "ALIEN LOVE® (I MADE LOVE TO AN ALIEN LAST NIGHT)" released his new CD in Nashville, TN today. George is kicking off his touring season with an Album Release Party & Showcase Thursday, May 20, at Wolfy's (425 Broad, Nashville, TN) 5:30 - 7:00pm CT.

McClure spent the past six years touring the U.S. from Texas to Maryland and Chicago to Tampa, recording, and building an Internet music business at TrowbridgePlanetEarth.com. Although declining a discussion concerning his origins, McClure's are connected with Tombstone, Arizona ("The Town Too Tough To Die"). McClure is the man called "Dr. Love" and "a true original" by his sidemen, and may be the "Man Too Tough To Die" of the 21'st century.

George McClure's life has seen dizzying moves from poverty in North Carolina during the early '80's (where he wrote the first 5-string banjo improvisation guide, "Variations On Theme") with subsequent relocation to Nashville and its plunges and bouts of hardship and deprivation that could break a weaker soul. He hitch-hiked from Fairbanks, AK to Tucson, AZ, moving from 45 below to 110 above within a few weeks, "sleeping with the dust and sands of time". A friend once observed that George "does things everbody else just dreams of doing."

George assembled Nashville legends Rick "L.D." Money (who tours with Randy Travis), Joey Miskulin, Mark Schatz, Bobby Hicks (who tours with Ricky Skaggs), and other Nashville notables to record in 1998, following six years touring with his three piece vocal ensemble, "America", who played 180 performances in 25 states during 1996. During 1998 he still managed to tour Houston, San Antonio, Mobile/Pensacola, mid-state Carolina, Atlanta, Kansas City, and Ft.Worth/Dallas during 1998, working around heavy recording and business schedules.

Multi-instrumentalist and singer, McClure writes prolifically. His musical compositions range from country & Western songs and gospel statements through ethnic, to sophisticated jazz pieces. McClure has transcribed Mozart, Vivaldi, and Bach for the 5-string banjo and acoustic ensembles.

The spontaneous and timely "The Ballad of O.J.Simpson" won McClure a feature article in the Nashville Banner. "I sort of preserved it [the O.J. Simpson story]" McClure said of this composition, which included over twelve verses, to match different trial outcomes.

George appeared before 140 million people on Nashville Network TV "Country News", singing his "CottonPatch Blues" and speaking in an interview. Gibson Banjos sponsors George, and they even built a custom gold-plated model for his use. McClure acted in Paramount's "The Thing Called Love", filmed in Nashville.

McClure's first album, "Sunny Summer Blues", original Americana music, received moderately favorable reviews. Bluegrass Unlimited said "...projects a sense of style and identity", "...a lot to enjoy."

Listen to mp3 samples from George's "CHAMPAGNE SATURDAY (ALIEN LOVE)"[tm] album here: http://TrowbridgePlanetEarth.com/PR/JIP/7207-1a.html

Take Me Back To Tulsa, Alien Love (I Made Love To An Alien Last Night), Across The Alley From The Alamo,Champagne Saturday, Can't Drown Your Memory, Wahoo, Gone With The Wind, Mass Grass, El Rancho Grande, El Lumino, America

The CD comprises eleven selections in contemporary Western swing and swing jazz. David Grier, one of the planet's foremost acoustic guitarists, is featured in "Mass Grass", a first class treatment in acoustic jazz playing. "El Lumino", a swing jazz version of "Rudolf" with a bit of Spanish verse, blends with Tejano "El Rancho Grande" and the swing treatments throughout, lending a Southwestern feel to the album. (Even "Alien Love" mentions Roswell, NM.) Included is the Cowboy Poetry of S.G.Miller in "The Young, The Nomadic (Last Chance On The Prairie)"

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[Alien Love® is the registered Trademark of McClure & Trowbridge Publishing.]

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(615) 902.0509
McClure & Trowbridge: Leading the way in the 21'st century

Domain offenses: Since May 12, 1998
PID: TombstoneAZ Last Updated 11/10/02
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