McClure & Trowbridge Publishing
P.O. Box 70403 Nashville USA 37207-0403
BMI Publisher - Harry Fox Agency (NMPA) Publisher Principal - NARAS

Washington, DC August 4, 1998

The U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 2281, The Digital Millennium Copyright Act, by a voice vote today. A version of this legislation passed the Senate earlier this summer, and will be sent to a joint Senate-House Conference Committee to resolve differences in language before being sent to the President.

There is a possibility that other legislation dealing with copyright, including music licensing and copyright term extension could be appended to this bill in the Joint House-Senate Conference Committee.

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act is an important step towards ratification of the World Intellectual Property Organization Treaties, and represents a collaborative effort to regulate copyright in cyberspace.

[LEGISLATIVE NEWSFLASH; Washington, DC August 4, 1998]


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